New Account Creation

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User Profile

A Licensee is the owner of a child care center or family child care program that is licensed by DCY and is responsible for ensuring compliance with child care rules and regulations. The owner is a person/individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, or government entity (ORC 5104.01 & 1.59). For a Type B Home provider, the owner must be an individual.

If an application for a license is denied or a license is revoked, then the ban on new applications also includes the expanded owner definition: a firm, organization, institution, or agency, as well as any individual governing board members, partners, or authorized representatives of the owner (ORC 5104.03).
Your E-mail address will serve as your username

Account Credentials

In the DCY child care systems, Level 4 access is the highest level of access for an DCY system user. This role is often given to the owner or owner’s authorized representative for child care program and gives the user permission to:

Respond to corrective action plans, serious incidents, amendments, and updates
Initiate, fill, or submit licensing applications
Initiate, fill, or submit SUTQ registrations
Create and delete other system users, including other level 4 users